Alyssa and Carter

The most beautiful things in life are not just things.

They’re people and places and memories and pictures.

They’re feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.

You are loved • You are missed • You are remembered

Alyssa Lyn Elsman

1998 - 2017

We mostly called her Lys or Lyssa. She was funny, smart, kind and beautiful. She enjoyed listening to music, staying up way too late and sleeping in. She liked shopping and shoes and makeup. She loved watching storms. She enjoyed going to the beach and she loved to travel. She loved her friends, her family and life.

She took her last breath in Time Square and we thought it would be fitting to have this bench for her in Central Park.

Carter James Joseph Elsman

2000 - 2020

Carter was kind and loving, protective and loyal. He had a big heart and gave the best hugs. He liked goofing around and making other people laugh. He very much marched to the beat of his own drum. He was independent and although he didn’t like asking for help, he would be the first to help others. He liked to travel and see mainstream things, but also enjoyed exploring off the beaten path. He liked going for random late night walks. He loved listening to music and hanging out with his friends.

A couple of weeks before Carter passed away, he said that NYC was the place he felt the most free. So we thought it would be fitting to have this bench for him in Central Park.

Thank you for sharing our memories

Please share yours by uploading a picture of yourself, friends or family sitting on our bench!

Bench Photo